VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry
Operated by VDOT, this free ferry is in Northumberland County. Located on Route 644, it crosses the Little Wicomico River.
Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry:
Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry:
VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry 
National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry:
- Alternate Mode Transportation Center Terminator
- Other Transit Management Centers Terminator
- Surface Transportation Weather Service Terminator
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT Sunny Bank Ferry:
- MC08 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination -- (Graphic)
- PS12 - Disaster Response and Recovery -- (Graphic)
- WX01 - Weather Data Collection -- (Graphic)