VDOT CRO Field Equipment
These devices are typically located along the roadside and are controlled by operators in the TOC which aids them in monitoring and managing traffic conditions. The field equipment that aids operators in performing their functions are: Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) permanent and portable, Highway Advisory Radio (HAR), Close Circuit Television (CCTV), vehicle detectors, Remote Ferry Signs, Vehicle Speed Sensors.
Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT CRO Field Equipment
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT CRO Field Equipment:
Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT CRO Field Equipment:
VDOT CRO Field Equipment 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT CRO Field Equipment:
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT CRO Field Equipment:
- PT09 - Transit Signal Priority - GRTC -- (Graphic)
- TM01 - Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance - VDOT CRO TOC/ATMS -- (Graphic)
- TM05 - Freeway Control - VDOT CRO TOC/ATMS -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VDOT CRO Field Equipment:
Roadway Barrier System Control
- The field element shall return barrier system operational status to the controlling center.
- The field element shall return barrier system fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
- The field element shall activate barrier systems for transportation facilities and infrastructure under center control. Barrier systems include automated or remotely controlled gates, barriers and other systems that manage entry to roadways.
- The field element shall collect traffic, road, and environmental conditions information.
- The field element shall include the sensors and supporting roadside devices that sense, collect, and send traffic, road, and environmental conditions information to a center for archival.
- The field element shall collect sensor status and sensor faults from roadside equipment and send it along with the recorded data to a center for archival.
- The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for incident detection and further analysis.
- The field element's video devices shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.
- The field element shall return operational status for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling traffic or maintenance center; including measured speeds, warning messages displayed, and violation records.
- The field element shall include sensors to detect vehicle speeds, under traffic or maintenance center control.
- The field element shall return fault data for the vehicle speed sensors to the controlling center for repair.
- The field element shall provide fault data for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center for repair.
- The field element shall provide operational status for the driver information systems equipment (DMS, HAR, etc.) to the center.
- The field element shall include dynamic message signs for dissemination of traffic and other information to drivers, under center control; the DMS may be either those that display variable text messages, or those that have fixed format display(s) (e.g. vehicle restrictions, or lane open/close).
- The field element shall collect, process, digitize, and send traffic sensor data (speed, volume, and occupancy) to the center for further analysis and storage, under center control.
- The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system operational status to the controlling center.
- The field element shall return sensor and CCTV system fault data to the controlling center for repair.
- The field element shall collect, process, and send traffic images to the center for further analysis and distribution.
- The field element shall return system fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
- The field element shall distribute advisory information, such as evacuation information, wide-area alerts, incident information, work zone intrusion information, recommended speed limit and other special information to passing vehicles using short range communications, under center control.
- The field element shall provide fault data for the work zone intrusion alerting devices to the maintenance center for repair.
- The field element shall provide operational status for the work zone intrusion alerting devices to the maintenance center.
- The field element shall provide fault data for the work zone intrusion detection devices to the maintenance center for repair.
- The field element shall provide operational status for the work zone intrusion detection devices to the maintenance center.
- The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that notify crew via maintenance vehicles of a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone area or movement of field crew into the travel lanes.
- The field element shall include work zone intrusion detection devices that detect when a vehicle has intruded upon the boundary of a work zone, under center control.
- The field element shall collect, process, and send work zone images to the center for further analysis and distribution, under center control.
- The field element shall provide fault data for the surveillance (e.g. CCTV), driver information systems, and gates/barriers in work zones to the maintenance center for repair.
- The field element shall provide operational status for the surveillance (e.g. CCTV), driver information systems, and gates/barriers in work zones to the maintenance center.
- Under traffic and maintenance center control, the field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs and highway advisory radios) that advise drivers of activity around the work zone through which they are currently passing.
- Under the control of field personnel within maintenance vehicles, the field element shall include driver information systems (such as dynamic messages signs and highway advisory radios) that advise drivers of activity around a work zone through which they are currently passing.