Port of Richmond
The Port of Richmond is Central Virginia’s domestic and international multi-modal freight and distribution gateway on the James River serving waterborne, rail and truck shippers throughout the mid-Atlantic states. The Port is owned by the City of Richmond, managed by the Port of Richmond Commission and operated by Federal Marine Terminals, Inc. (FMT), a private company
Systems Interconnected
with the Port of Richmond
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Port of Richmond:
Architecture Flows
to/from the Port of Richmond:
Port of Richmond 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Port of Richmond:
- Archived Data User System Terminator
- Data Distribution System Subsystem
- Intermodal Terminal Subsystem
- Traffic Management Center Subsystem
- Transportation Information Center Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Port of Richmond:
- TM06 - Traffic Information Dissemination -- (Graphic)
- TM08 - Traffic Incident Management System -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Port of Richmond:
TMC Regional Traffic Management
- The center shall exchange traffic information with other traffic management centers including incident information, congestion data, traffic data, signal timing plans, and real-time signal control information.
- The center shall exchange traffic control information with other traffic management centers to support remote monitoring and control of traffic management devices (e.g. signs, sensors, signals, cameras, etc.).