Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel (CBBT) TOC represents two operations centers (one on North and the other on the south). These operations centers are the failover systems meaning one can take over the other in case of the other one's failure. These systems currently collect wind and roadway data from bridges comprising the facility. The CBBT TOC shares incident information with VDOT and communicates with Virginia Beach’s EMS for medical assistance during incidents. Additionally, CBBT TOC relies on the Virginia State Police for incident response as back-up to its own police and fire crews.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission
Systems Interconnected
with the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC:
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Field Equipment
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Public Safety Vehicles
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel Toll Collection Field Equipment
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
VSP Center
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
VSP Mobile Unified Command Center
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC
Weather Service Providers
Architecture Flows
to/from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC:
Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC:
- Archived Data System Subsystem
- Archived Data User System Terminator
- Data Distribution System Subsystem
- Emergency Management Center Subsystem
- Maint and Constr Management Center Subsystem
- Payment Administration Center Subsystem
- Traffic Management Center Subsystem
- Transit Vehicle OBE Subsystem
- Transportation Information Center Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC:
- MC05 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - Cities -- (Graphic)
- MC06 - Work Zone Management - Cities -- (Graphic)
- PS01 - Emergency Routing - CBBT -- (Graphic)
- PS01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - CBBT -- (Graphic)
- PS03 - Emergency Vehicle Preemption - CBBT -- (Graphic)
- TM01 - Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance - Chesapeake Bay Bridge - Tunnel TOC -- (Graphic)
- TM03 - Surface Street Control - Chesapeake Bay Bridge - Tunnel TOC -- (Graphic)
- TM05 - Freeway Control - Chesapeake Bay Bridge -Tunnel TOC -- (Graphic)
- TM06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Chesapeake Bay Bridge - Tunnel TOC -- (Graphic)
- TM19 - Roadway Closure Management - CBBT -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel TOC:
Emergency Secure Area Surveillance
- The center shall monitor maintenance status of the security sensor field equipment.
- The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding security surveillance data collection, processing, threat detection, and image matching.
- The center shall exchange traveler images with other emergency management centers to support traveler image matching.
- The center shall match traveler video images against a database from the Alerting and Advisory Systems of known images that may represent criminals and terrorists.
- The center shall remotely control security surveillance devices on-board transit vehicles.
- The center shall remotely control security surveillance devices in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways).
- The center shall identify potential security threats based on collected security surveillance data.
- The center shall exchange surveillance data with other emergency centers.
- The center shall remotely monitor video images and audio surveillance data collected in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways). The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.
- The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding sensor and surveillance data collection, analysis, storage, and distribution.
- The center shall distribute road network conditions data (raw or processed) based on collected and analyzed traffic sensor and surveillance data to other centers.
- The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
- The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
- The center shall monitor, analyze, and store traffic sensor data (speed, volume, occupancy) collected from field elements under remote control of the center.
- The center shall request activation of barriers and safeguards on request from center personnel.
- The center shall maintain the status of the security sensor field equipment.
- The center shall identify potential security threats based on collected security sensor data.
- The center shall remotely monitor and control security sensor data collected in secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways). The types of security sensor data include environmental threat (e.g. chemical agent, toxic industrial chemical, biological, explosives, and radiological sensors), infrastructure condition and integrity, intrusion and motion, and object detection sensors. The data may be raw or pre-processed in the field.
- The center shall exchange security sensor data with other emergency centers.
- The center shall disseminate threat information to other agencies, including traffic, transit, maintenance, rail operations, and other emergency management centers.
- The center shall exchange threat analysis data with Alerting and Advisory Systems and use that data in local threat analysis processing.
- The center shall collect toll operational data and roadway pricing data.
- The payment administration center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.
- The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the toll data or for the data itself.
- The payment administration center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.