WAT Operations Center
Williamsburg Area Transport (WAT) provides a transportation system to citizens of James City County, the City of Williamsburg, and the Bruton District of York County. WAT provides a seamless coordinated regional transit system serving residents, visitors, and students through fixed-routes and transportation service for the disabled.
Williamsburg Area Transport Authority (WATA)
Systems Interconnected
with the WAT Operations Center
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include WAT Operations Center:
- WAT Operations Center
HRT Operations Centers
- WAT Operations Center
- WAT Operations Center
Virginia Statewide 511
- WAT Operations Center
Virginia Transit Information Portal
- WAT Operations Center
WAT Transit Vehicles
Architecture Flows
to/from the WAT Operations Center:
WAT Operations Center 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the WAT Operations Center:
- Archived Data User System Terminator
- Data Distribution System Subsystem
- Transit Management Center Subsystem
- Transportation Information Center Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with WAT Operations Center:
- DM01 - ITS Data Warehouse (Transit Information Portal) -- (Graphic)
- PT01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - WAT -- (Graphic)
- PT02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - WAT -- (Graphic)
- PT03 - Dynamic Transit Operations - WAT -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with WAT Operations Center:
TIC Traveler Information Broadcast
- The center shall disseminate parking information to travelers, including location, availability, and fees.
- The center shall disseminate transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers.
- The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information to travelers, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
- The center shall disseminate maintenance and construction information to travelers, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.
- The center shall coordinate schedules and services with traffic management, parking management, and event planning systems.
- The center shall provide transit operations personnel with the capability to control and monitor transit service coordination activities.
- The center shall share transfer cluster and transfer point information with other transit centers. A transfer cluster is a collection of stop points, stations, or terminals where transfers can be made conveniently.
- The center shall accept requests from traffic management to change routes and schedules as part of the implementation of demand management strategies.
- The center shall be able to generate special routes and schedules to support an incident, disaster, evacuation, or other emergency.
- The center shall generate transit routes and schedules based on such factors as parameters input by the system operator, road network conditions, incident information, operational data on current routes and schedules, and digitized map data.
- The center shall collect transit operational data for use in the generation of routes and schedules.
- The center shall manage large deviations of individual transit vehicles, deviations in rural areas, and deviations of large numbers of vehicles.
- The center shall generate the necessary corrective actions which may involve more than the vehicles concerned and more far reaching action, such as, the introduction of extra vehicles, wide area signal priority by traffic management, the premature termination of some services, etc.
- The center shall exchange information with Maintenance and Construction Operations concerning work zones, roadway conditions, asset restrictions, work plans, etc.
- The center shall disseminate up-to-date schedules and route information to other centers for fixed and flexible route services.
- The center shall dispatch fixed route or flexible route transit vehicles.
- The center shall provide instructions or corrective actions to the transit vehicle operators based upon operational needs.