VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles
The safety service patrol is responsible for identifying and responding to incidents that occur on VDOT's roadway system. This element represents the SSP vehicles.
Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles:
- VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles
- VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles
VDOT Midtown Elizabeth River Tunnel TOC
- VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles
VDOT Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel (MMMBT) TOC
- VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles
VSP Mobile Unified Command Center
Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles:
VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles:
- Emergency Management Center Subsystem
- Emergency Vehicle OBE Subsystem
- Traffic Management Center Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles:
- PS01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Hampton Roads District -- (Graphic)
- PS08 - Roadway Service Patrols - VDOT ERO TOC -- (Graphic)
- TM19 - Roadway Closure Management - CBBT -- (Graphic)
- TM19 - Roadway Closure Management - Cities -- (Graphic)
- TM19 - Roadway Closure Management - Virginia ER Region -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VDOT Hampton Roads SSP Vehicles:
TMC Service Patrol Management
- The center shall track the location and status of service patrol vehicles.
- The center shall share incident information collected by the service patrol with traffic, maintenance and construction, and traveler information centers for incident management, incident notification to travelers, and incident cleanup.
- The center shall store the current status of all service patrol vehicles available for dispatch and those that have been dispatched.
- The center shall dispatch roadway service patrol vehicles to identified incident locations.
- The center shall receive asset restriction information to support the dispatching of appropriate emergency resources.
- The center shall collect current traffic and road condition information for emergency vehicle route calculation.
- The center shall calculate emergency vehicle routes, under center personnel control, based on the collected traffic and road conditions information.
- The center shall request and receive ingress and egress routes or other specialized emergency access routes from the traffic management center.
- The center shall provide the capability to request special traffic control measures, such as signal preemption, from the traffic management center to facilitate emergency vehicle progress along the suggested route.
- The center shall receive information on the location and status of traffic control equipment and work zones along potential emergency routes.
- The emergency call-taking center shall update the incident information log once the emergency system operator has verified the incident.
- Theemergency call-taking center shall receive emergency call information from 911 services and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.
- The emergency call-taking center shall support the interface to the Emergency Telecommunications System (e.g. 911 or 7-digit call routing) to receive emergency notification information and provide it to the emergency system operator.
- The emergency call-taking center shall receive emergency notification information from other public safety agencies and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.
- The emergency call-taking center shall receive emergency call information from other emergency management centers, e.g. mayday service providers, and present the possible incident information to the emergency system operator.
- The center shall coordinate response to incidents with other Emergency Management centers to ensure appropriate resources are dispatched and utilized.
- The center shall receive traffic images to support dispatch of emergency vehicles.
- The center shall relay location and incident details to the responding vehicles.
- The center shall dispatch emergency vehicles to respond to verified emergencies under center personnel control.
- The center shall store and maintain the emergency service responses in an action log.
- The center shall track the location and status of emergency vehicles responding to an emergency based on information from the emergency vehicle.
- The center shall store the current status of all emergency vehicles available for dispatch and those that have been dispatched.