Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center
The Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center serves the Counties of Accomack and Northampton, excluding the Town of Chincoteague (which has its own 9-1-1 Center). All 9-1-1 calls are received by the ESVA911 Communications Center.
Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center
Systems Interconnected
with the Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center:
Architecture Flows
to/from the Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center:
Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center:
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Eastern Shore of Virginia 9-1-1 Communications Center:
- PS01 - Emergency Routing - Eastern Shore -- (Graphic)
- PS01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Eastern Shore -- (Graphic)
- PS03 - Emergency Vehicle Preemption - Eastern Shore -- (Graphic)