VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center




This center is responsible for the back office administration of Virginia's toll systems including the Dulles Toll Road, the privately owned Dulles Greenway and others.


VDOT Central Office

Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center:

Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center:

VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center flows into icon RMA Downtown Expressway VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center flows into icon RMA Powhite Parkway VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center flows into icon Route 460 Toll Road VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center flows into icon VDOT Powhite Extension Toll Road VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center flows into icon VDOT Richmond TOC RMA Downtown Expresswayflows into iconVDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center RMA Powhite Parkwayflows into iconVDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center Route 460 Toll Roadflows into iconVDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center VDOT Powhite Extension Toll Roadflows into iconVDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center VDOT Richmond TOCflows into iconVDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center:

National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center:

  • none