Surface Street Management for Virginia CR ITS Architecture

City of Richmond Public Works
  • Monitor and remotely diagnose field equipment issues including detecting failures, issuing problem reports, and tracking the repair or replacement of failed equipment.
  • Distribute current traffic conditions to other centers.
  • Control ramp meters, interchange connector meters, lane control signals, mainline meters, and variable speed control systems remotely.
  • Allow control of field equipment by other traffic management centers.
  • Control traffic signal controllers remotely to implement traffic management strategies at signalized intersections based on traffic conditions, incidents, emergency vehicle preemptions, pedestrian crossings, etc.
  • Disseminate traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and travelers via the driver information systems (DMS, HAR).
  • Share traffic information with other traffic management centers.
  • Monitor and control highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment remotely including standard speed active warning systems and high speed systems which provide additional information on approaching trains and detect and report on obstructions in the HRI.
  • Monitor traffic sensors and surveillance (CCTV) equipment.
  • Collect current traffic conditions from sensors and surveillance equipment.
Richmond District Local Public Works Agencies
  • Control traffic signal controllers remotely to implement traffic management strategies at signalized intersections based on traffic conditions, incidents, emergency vehicle preemptions, pedestrian crossings, etc.
  • Distribute current traffic conditions to other centers.
  • Collect current traffic conditions from sensors and surveillance equipment.
  • Monitor and control highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment remotely including standard speed active warning systems and high speed systems which provide additional information on approaching trains and detect and report on obstructions in the HRI.
  • Monitor traffic sensors and surveillance (CCTV) equipment.
  • Monitor and remotely diagnose field equipment issues including detecting failures, issuing problem reports, and tracking the repair or replacement of failed equipment.
VDOT Central Office
  • Disseminate traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and travelers via the driver information systems (DMS, HAR).
  • Control ramp meters, interchange connector meters, lane control signals, mainline meters, and variable speed control systems remotely.
  • Disseminate traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and travelers via the driver information systems (DMS, HAR).
  • Monitor traffic conditions using field equipment (i.e. loop detectors and CCTV cameras).
  • Provide enroute travel information to drivers (via dynamic message signs and highway advisory radio).
  • Share traffic information with other traffic management centers.
  • Control traffic signal controllers remotely to implement traffic management strategies at signalized intersections based on traffic conditions, incidents, emergency vehicle preemptions, pedestrian crossings, etc.
  • Operate and maintain field equipment that controls and sends data to other field equipment (such as environmental sensors that send data to a DMS or coordination between traffic controllers on adjacent intersections), without being controlled from a center.
  • Collect current traffic conditions from sensors and surveillance equipment.
  • Monitor traffic sensors and surveillance (CCTV) equipment.
  • Allow control of field equipment by other traffic management centers.
  • Distribute current traffic conditions to other centers.
  • Monitor traffic sensors and surveillance (CCTV) equipment.
  • Distribute current traffic conditions to other centers.
  • Collect current traffic conditions from sensors and surveillance equipment.
  • Control traffic signal controllers remotely to implement traffic management strategies at signalized intersections based on traffic conditions, incidents, emergency vehicle preemptions, pedestrian crossings, etc.
  • Disseminate traffic-related data to other centers, the media, and travelers via the driver information systems (DMS, HAR).
  • Share traffic information with other traffic management centers.
  • Allow control of field equipment by other traffic management centers.