On-board Transit Security

On-board video/audio surveillance systems, threat sensors, and object detection sensors to enhance security and safety on-board a transit vehicles. Also includes silent alarms activated by transit user or vehicle operator, operator authentication, and remote vehicle disabling.

  1. The transit vehicle shall perform video and audio surveillance inside of transit vehicles and output raw video or audio data for either local monitoring (for processing or direct output to the transit vehicle operator), remote monitoring or for local storage (e.g., in an event recorder).
  2. The transit vehicle shall output an indication of potential incidents or threats and the processed video or audio information to the center along with the vehicle’s current location.
  3. The transit vehicle shall output an indication of potential incidents or threats and the processed sensor information to the center along with the vehicle’s current location.
  4. The transit vehicle shall accept emergency inputs from either the transit vehicle operator or a traveler through such interfaces as panic buttons, silent or audible alarms, etc.
  5. The transit vehicle shall output reported emergencies to the center.
  6. The transit vehicle shall receive acknowledgments of the emergency request from the center and output this acknowledgment to the transit vehicle operator or to the travelers.
  7. The transit vehicle shall be capable of receiving an emergency message for broadcast to the travelers or to the transit vehicle operator.