Remote Transit Information Services

Public traveler interface that provides real-time travel-related information at transit stops and multi-modal transfer points, including general annunciation, display of imminent arrival information, the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real-time schedule adherence.

  1. The public interface for travelers shall collect and provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas.
  2. The public interface for travelers shall collect and present to the transit traveler information on transit routes, schedules, and real-time schedule adherence.
  3. The public interface for travelers shall provide support for general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.
  4. The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.