City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System




This element represents the data archival system used by the City of Virginia Beach.


City of Virginia Beach Public Works Department

Systems Interconnected
with the City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System:

Architecture Flows
to/from the City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System:

City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System flows into icon City of Virginia Beach TMC City of Virginia Beach TMCflows into iconCity of Virginia Beach Data Archival System

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System:

National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with City of Virginia Beach Data Archival System:

ITS Data Repository
  1. The center shall collect data to be archived from one or more data sources.
  2. The center shall collect data catalogs from one or more data sources. A catalog describes the data contained in the collection of archived data and may include descriptions of the schema or structure of the data, a description of the contents of the data; e.g., time range of entries, number of entries; or a sample of the data (e. g. a thumbnail).
  3. The center shall store the archived data in a focused repository that is suited to a particular set of ITS data users.
  4. The center shall include capabilities for performing quality checks on the incoming archived data.
  5. The center shall include capabilities for error notification on the incoming archived data.
  6. The center shall include capabilities for archive to archive coordination.
  7. The center shall respond to requests from the administrator interface function to maintain the archive data.
  8. When data or a catalog of data is received from the archive, the center shall generate the requested data product for the users systems.
Traffic and Roadside Data Archival
  1. The center shall manage the collection of archive data directly from collection equipment located at the roadside.
  2. The center shall collect traffic sensor information from roadside devices.
  3. The center shall respond to requests from the Archive Data Administer to input the parameters that control the collection process.
  4. The center shall send the request for data and control parameters to the field equipment where the information is collected and returned.
  5. The center shall record the status about the imported traffic and roadside data.
Government Reporting Systems Support
  1. The center shall provide data from an ITS archive to federal, state, or local government reporting systems.
  2. The center shall provide the capability to select data from an ITS archive for use in government reports.
  3. The center shall provide the capability to format data from an ITS archive suitable for input into government reports.
  4. The center shall support requests for ITS archived data from Government Reporting Systems.
  5. The center shall provide the applicable meta-data for any ITS archived data to satisfy government reporting system requests. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.
Virtual Data Warehouse Services
  1. The center shall provide capabilities to access "in-place" data from geographically dispersed archives. These capabilities may include analysis, data fusion, or data mining.
  2. The center shall provide the local archived data schema to other archive systems.