Loudoun County 9-1-1
The primary PSAP for Loudoun County is the Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management; they answer 911 calls for the entire county. If the call is for a law enforcement related emergency, the caller is transferred to a secondary PSAP such as the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office, Leesburg Police Department, or Virginia State Police for help. Although the Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management operates the PSAP, they also function as the Emergency Communications Center (ECC) for the fire and rescue system.
Loudoun County Public Safety Agencies
Systems Interconnected
with the Loudoun County 9-1-1
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Loudoun County 9-1-1:
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
Fairfax County Public Safety Communications Center - MPSTOC
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
Loudoun County Public Safety Vehicles
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
Maryland Local Public Safety Centers
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
NRO Local Public Safety Centers
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
Prince William County 9-1-1
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
VDOT Video Clearinghouses
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
VSP Mobile Unified Command Center
- Loudoun County 9-1-1
WMATA Operations Centers
Architecture Flows
to/from the Loudoun County 9-1-1:
Loudoun County 9-1-1 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Loudoun County 9-1-1:
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Loudoun County 9-1-1:
- EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - Loudoun County -- (Graphic)
- EM02 - Emergency Routing - Loudoun County -- (Graphic)