VPA Front Royal Inland Port
In 1989, the VPA opened the Virginia Inland Port, an intermodal facility in Front Royal, Virginia. The combination truck-and-rail terminal sits near the intersection of U.S. Interstate 81 and U.S. Interstate 66 and extends the VPA’s activities to Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York.
Systems Interconnected
with the VPA Front Royal Inland Port
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VPA Front Royal Inland Port:
- VPA Front Royal Inland Port Private Commercial Vehicles
- VPA Front Royal Inland Port VDOT Staunton TOC
- VPA Front Royal Inland Port Virginia DMV Motor Carrier Service Centers
Architecture Flows
to/from the VPA Front Royal Inland Port:
VPA Front Royal Inland Port Private Commercial VehiclesNational ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VPA Front Royal Inland Port:
- Fleet and Freight Management Subsystem
- Information Service Provider Subsystem
- Intermodal Freight Depot Terminator
- Other Traffic Management Terminator
- Traffic Management Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VPA Front Royal Inland Port:
- ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination -- (Graphic)
- ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System -- Graphic 1 2
- ATMS09 - Traffic Decision Support and Demand Management -- (Graphic)
- CVO01 - Fleet Administration -- (Graphic)
- CVO04 - CV Administrative Processes -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VPA Front Royal Inland Port:
Fleet Administration
- The center shall send data concerning enrollment of commercial vehicles for electronic clearance and tax filing to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center. The data may include driver and vehicle identification, safety inspections/status, carrier credentials, related citations, and accident information.
- The center shall send data concerning enrollment and purchase of commercial vehicles credentials and tax filing to the appropriate commercial vehicle administration center.
- The center shall coordinate information and controls with other traffic management centers.