VDOT Asset Management System
This system is an Integrated Maintenance Management Program/Asset Management. This system is used to coordinate maintenance and construction activities. This system covers all aspect of operations such as ICAS, IMMS, BMS, and VaTraffic. VDOT Statewide Asset Management System is a central database keeping track of maintenance status for major assets like bridges,tunnels, etc.
Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT Asset Management System
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT Asset Management System:
- VDOT Asset Management System
- VDOT Asset Management System
VDOT Hampton Roads TOC
- VDOT Asset Management System
VDOT Local Traffic Operations Centers
- VDOT Asset Management System
- VDOT Asset Management System
VDOT Richmond TOC
- VDOT Asset Management System
VDOT Roadway Conditions Database
- VDOT Asset Management System
- VDOT Asset Management System
VDOT Staunton TOC
- VDOT Asset Management System
VDOT VaTraffic
Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT Asset Management System:
VDOT Asset Management System 

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT Asset Management System:
- Asset Management Terminator
- Maintenance and Construction Administrative Systems Terminator
- Maintenance and Construction Management Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT Asset Management System:
- AD1 - ITS Data Mart -- Graphic 1 2
- ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information -- Graphic 1 2
- ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information -- Graphic 1 2
- ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System -- Graphic 1 2
- ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management -- (Graphic)
- EM06 - Wide-Area Alert -- (Graphic)
- EM07 - Early Warning System -- Graphic 1 2
- EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery -- Graphic 1 2
- EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management -- Graphic 1 2
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VDOT Asset Management System:
MCM Incident Management
- The center shall receive inputs from the Alerting and Advisory System concerning the possibility or occurrence of severe weather, terrorist activity, or other major emergency, including information provided by the Emergency Alert System.
- The center shall exchange alert information and status with emergency management centers. The information includes notification of a major emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster, civil emergency, or child abduction. The information may include the alert originator, the nature of the emergency, the geographic area affected by the emergency, the effective time period, etc.
- The center shall exchange incident and threat information with emergency management centers as well as traffic management centers; including notification of existence of incident and expected severity, location, time and nature of incident.
- The center shall coordinate planning for incidents with emergency management centers - including pre-planning activities for disaster response, evacuation, and recovery operations.
- The center shall respond to requests from emergency management to provide maintenance and construction resources to implement response plans, assist in clean up, verify an incident, etc. This may also involve coordination with traffic management centers and other maintenance centers.
- The center shall exchange road network status assessment information with emergency management and traffic management centers including an assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.
- The center shall provide work zone activities affecting the road network including the nature of the maintenance or construction activity, location, impact to the roadway, expected time(s) and duration of impact, anticipated delays, alternate routes, and suggested speed limits. This information may be augmented with images that provide a visual indication of current work zone status and traffic impacts.
- The center shall receive information indicating the damage sustained by transportation assets, derived from aerial surveillance, field reports, inspections, tests, and analyses to support incident management.
- The center shall maintain an interface with asset management systems to track the inventory, restrictions, repair needs and status updates of transportation assets (pavement, bridges, signs, etc.) including location, installation and materials information, vendor/contractor, current maintenance status, standard height, width, and weight restrictions.
- The center shall respond to requests from emergency management and traffic management centers for hazard removal, field equipment repair, and other roadway maintenance.
- The center shall exchange information with administrative systems to support the planning and scheduling of maintenance activities. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.
- The center shall provide emergency management and traffic management centers with information about scheduled maintenance and construction work activities including anticipated closures and impact to the roadway, alternate routes, anticipated delays, closure times, and durations.
- The center shall collect the status and fault data from roadside equipment, such as traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc., and provide a cohesive view of equipment repair needs.
- The center shall collect the status and fault data from the centers that operate the equipment, including data for traffic, infrastructure, and environmental sensors, highway advisory radio and dynamic message signs, automated roadway treatment systems, barrier and safeguard systems, cameras, traffic signals and override equipment, ramp meters, short range communications equipment, security sensors and surveillance equipment, etc., and provide a cohesive view of equipment repair needs.
- The center shall receive equipment availability and materials storage status information from storage facilities to support the scheduling of roadway maintenance and construction activities.
- The center shall collect current and forecast traffic and weather information from traffic management centers and weather service providers (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services).
- The center shall dispatch and route maintenance and construction vehicle drivers and support them with route-specific environmental, incident, advisory, threat, alert, and traffic congestion information.
- The center shall track the status of roadway maintenance and construction activities by monitoring collected data from the dispatched vehicles and equipment.
- The center shall report the status of field equipment maintenance activities to the centers that operate the equipment.
- The center shall generate new work zone activity schedules for use by maintenance and construction vehicles, maintenance and construction operators, and for information coordination purposes.
- The center shall control the collection of work zone status information including video images from cameras located in or near the work zone.
- The center shall disseminate work zone information to other agencies and centers including traffic, transit, emergency management centers, other maintenance centers, traveler information providers, and the media.
- The center shall control traffic in work zones by providing remote control of dynamic message signs, highway advisory radio systems, gates, and barriers located in or near the work zone.
- The center shall exchange information with administrative systems to support the planning and scheduling of work zone activities. This information includes: equipment and consumables resupply purchase request status, personnel qualifications including training and special certifications, environmental regulations and rules that may impact maintenance activities, and requests and project requirements from contract administration.
- The center shall collect real-time information on the state of the road network including current traffic and road conditions to support work zone scheduling and management.
- The center shall collect maintenance and construction data (such as field equipment status, infrastructure status, maintenance and construction activity data) gathered from roadway, traffic, and other maintenance and construction sources.
- The center shall assign quality control metrics and meta-data to be stored along with the data. Meta-data may include attributes that describe the source and quality of the data and the conditions surrounding the collection of the data.
- The center shall receive and respond to requests from ITS Archives for either a catalog of the maintenance and construction data or for the data itself.
- The center shall be able to produce sample products of the data available.
- The center shall provide data to Asset Management to be used in updating the status of assets in the inventory.