



The Clarus System manages the collection, integration and dissemination of all data within the Clarus System. Clarus provides both ESS metadata and ESS observations upon request. Clarus is responsible for checking and flagging the collected ESS data. The Clarus quality control process will check for observed values that exhibit out-of-tolerance limits and other data characteristics that require flagging and will set quality exception flags where necessary. Clarus provides the ESS quality check data linked to the ESS observations upon request.



Systems Interconnected
with the Clarus

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Clarus:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Clarus:

Clarus flows into icon VDOT ESS Weather Platform VDOT ESS Weather Platformflows into iconClarus VDOT Statewide Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS)flows into iconClarus

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Clarus:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Clarus:

National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Clarus:

  • none