Kansas Trucking Connection
Interconnects - Flows - Entities - Services - Functional Requirements
Definition:This element includes TruckingKS.org website. This element was previously named the Kansas CVISN System.
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Systems Interconnected with the Kansas Trucking Connection
 Diagram |
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Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Kansas Trucking Connection:
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Architecture Flows to/from the Kansas Trucking Connection:
KDOT TOC (Wichita Metro) Maintenance and Construction System Kansas Trucking Connection
current asset restrictions
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National ITS Architecture Subsystems mapped to the Kansas Trucking Connection:
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National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Kansas Trucking Connection:
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National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Kansas Trucking Connection:
CV Safety Administration
- The center shall provide commercial vehicle safety data to roadside check facilities.
- The center shall collect and review safety inspection reports and violations from the roadside check facilities and pass on appropriate portions to other commercial vehicle administrative centers and commercial vehicle fleet operators.
- The center shall notify enforcement agencies of commercial vehicle safety violations by individual commercial vehicles, drivers, or carriers.
CV Information Exchange
- The center shall exchange information with roadside check facilities, including credentials and credentials status information, safety status information, daily site activity data, and citations.
- The center shall exchange safety and credentials data among other commercial vehicle administration centers; includes border clearance status, credentials information, credentials status information, and safety status information.
- The center shall provide commercial vehicle accident reports and citations to enforcement agencies.
- The center shall provide commercial vehicle credentials and safety status information to authorized requestors such as insurance agencies.
- The center shall provide reports to the commercial vehicle fleet manager regarding fleet activity through roadside facilities including accident reports, citations, credentials status information, and safety status information.