Air Quality Alert System
Interconnects - Flows - Entities - Services - Functional Requirements
Definition:The Air Quality Alert System inspects sources of air pollution in the Wichita region, conducts air monitoring, responds to hazardous materials incidences as needed, assists citizens and businesses in resolving indoor/outdoor air quality problems.
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Systems Interconnected with the Air Quality Alert System
 Diagram |
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Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Air Quality Alert System:
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Architecture Flows to/from the Air Quality Alert System:
Air Quality Alert System KDOT Traffic Operations Center (Wichita Metro)
widearea statistical pollution information
Air Quality Alert System Media
air quality information
Air Quality Sensors Air Quality Alert System
area pollution data
KDOT Traffic Operations Center (Wichita Metro) Air Quality Alert System
pollution state data request
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National ITS Architecture Subsystems mapped to the Air Quality Alert System:
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National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Air Quality Alert System:
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National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Air Quality Alert System:
Emissions Data Management
- The center shall collect, analyze, and store vehicle emissions data collected from roadside sensors.
- The center shall collect, analyze, and store wide area pollution data collected from sensors that may the general (wide area) environment.
- The center shall configure and control emissions and air quality sensors located in the field.
- The center shall maintain a database of pollution reference data including acceptable and tolerable emissions and pollution levels for the area served by the center.
- The center shall support an interface with a map update provider, or other appropriate data sources, through which updates of digitized map data can be obtained and used as a background for emissions.
- The center shall establish violation parameters, detect emissions violators, obtain the vehicle registration data from the appropriate State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, and then provide the capability to send violation information to a law enforcement agency.
- The center shall distribute air quality information to the media, traveler information service providers, and traffic management centers. This information may be used for information to travelers or part of demand management programs.
Emissions Data Collection
- The center shall collect air quality and emissions management data from various sources, including emissions sensors distributed along the roadside and wide-area sensors detecting pollution over a larger geographical area.