Wichita Transit Kiosk
Interconnects - Flows - Entities - Services - Functional Requirements
Definition:Kiosks will be located at the airport, shopping centers, etc.
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Systems Interconnected with the Wichita Transit Kiosk
 Diagram |
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Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Wichita Transit Kiosk:
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Architecture Flows to/from the Wichita Transit Kiosk:
Wichita Transit Kiosk Wichita Transit Customer Information System (CIS)
emergency traveler information request
traveler request
trip confirmation
trip request
Wichita Transit Kiosk Wichita Transit Operations Center
transit information user request
Wichita Transit Customer Information System (CIS) Wichita Transit Kiosk
broadcast information
emergency traveler information
traveler information
trip plan
Wichita Transit Operations Center Wichita Transit Kiosk
transit fare information
transit traveler information
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National ITS Architecture Subsystems mapped to the Wichita Transit Kiosk:
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National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Wichita Transit Kiosk:
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National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Wichita Transit Kiosk:
Remote Transit Information Services
- The public interface for travelers shall collect and provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops, multi-modal transfer points, and other public transportation areas.
- The public interface for travelers shall collect and present to the transit traveler information on transit routes, schedules, and real-time schedule adherence.
- The public interface for travelers shall provide support for general annunciation and/or display of imminent arrival information and other information of general interest to transit users.
- The public interface for travelers shall present information to the traveler in a form suitable for travelers with physical disabilities.