Transit System Operators Terminator
Definition:This terminator represents the human entities that are responsible for all aspects of the transit system operation including fleet management, maintenance operations, and scheduling. These different roles represent a variety of individuals in the transit industry. Within the transit industry the person responsible for fleet management is known by many names: Street Supervisor (most common), Starter, Dispatcher, Supervisor, Traffic Controller, Transportation Coordinator. This entity actively monitors, controls, and modifies the transit fleet routes and schedules on a day to day basis (dynamic scheduling). The modifications will be to take account of abnormal situations such as vehicle breakdown, vehicle delay, detours around work zones or incidents (detour management and service restoration), and other causes of route or schedule deviations. This entity may also be responsible for demand responsive transit operation and for managing emergency situations within the transit network such as silent alarms on board transit vehicles, or the remote disabling of the vehicle. In addition the Transit System Operator may be responsible for assigning vehicle operators to routes, checking vehicle operators in and out, and managing transit stop issues. The Transit System Operator terminator also represents the human entity in the transit garage that is responsible for maintenance of the transit fleets, including monitoring vehicle status, matching vehicles with operators, and maintenance checking of transit vehicles. Finally, the Transit System Operator terminator represents the human entity responsible for planning, development, and management of transit routes and schedules.
Inventory Elements:
Date modified: 11/17/2006 |