Roadway Signal Controls
Field elements including traffic signal controllers for use at signalized intersections; also supports pedestrian crossings.
- The field element shall control traffic signals at intersections and on main highways for urban and rural areas, under center control.
- The field element shall collect pedestrian images and pedestrian sensor data, and respond to pedestrian crossing requests via display, audio signal, or other manner.
- The field element shall monitor operation of traffic signal controllers and report to the center any instances in which the indicator response does not match that expected from the indicator control information.
- The field element shall monitor operation of traffic signal controllers and report to the center any instances in which the indicator response does not match that expected from known indicator preemptions.
- The field element shall return traffic signal controller operational status to the controlling center.
- The field element shall return traffic signal controller fault data to the maintenance center for repair.
Date modified: 11/17/2006 |