Sedgwick County
Definition:This stakeholder represents the County of Sedgwick.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Archived Data Systems for Wichita Area
- Sedgwick County will collect transportation related data (e.g, traffic volumes, accidents) to provide the basic data quality, data privacy, and meta data management.
- Sedgwick County will collect data from other agencies (e.g., public safety agencies) and other data sources in the Wichita Area. Sedgwick County will perform additional analysis and transformations of the data and provides the additional meta data management features that are necessary so that all this data can be managed in a single repository with consistent formats.
Emergency Management for Wichita Area
- Sedgwick County is responsible for assisting public safety during disasters (manmade or natural diasters).
- Sedgwick County is responsible for addressing incidents, disasters, security threats, or any event that will cause a disruption to traffic flow and requires their assistance.
Incident Management for Wichita Area
- Sedgwick County is responsible for providing incident information to the traffic management and public safety agencies in the Wichita Area detected by patrol vehicles or motorist call-ins.
- Sedgwick County is responsible for providing public safety during disasters (manmade or natural diasters).
- Sedgwick County is reponsible for addressing incidents, disasters, security threats, or any event that will cause a disruption to traffic flow and requires their assistance.
Date modified: 11/17/2006 |