Kind: Subsystem

Class: Center

Type: System

METR Distribution Center


The 'METR Distribution Center' manages the collection and dissemination of rules received from one or more METR Regulation Centers and will verify that, holistically, the collective information is trustworthy for subsequent distribution to METR Users. It will accept and respond to requests for METR information from METR Consumer Systems using the provided request criteria.
The METR Distribution Center can be distinct from the METR Regulation Center because it will frequently need to collect rules from multiple METR Regulation Centers representing various rule-makers with different jurisdictional authority (e.g., traffic agency vs. environmental agency), in different areas (e.g., neighboring jurisdictional areas), and different levels of government (e.g., federal, state, and local). Likewise, there might be different METR Distribution Centers for different purposes (e.g., one that focuses on mainstream vehicles and another for commercial vehicles). The METR Distribution Center may register its availability as a service, and its associated cyber location information, with the Object Registration and Discovery System (ORDS).

This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Class 3 Moderate High Moderate Management of Electronic Transport Regulations (METR)

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.