ISO 29284 Probe - Event-based Data


Intelligent transport systems -- Event-based probe vehicle data

Document #

ISO 29284


This document, ISO/TS 29284, specifies: 1) reference architecture for event-based probe vehicles which encompasses event-based probe data and standard probe data elements (ISO 22837); 2) basic data framework of event-based probe data reporting, based on ISO 22837; 3) definition of an initial set of event-based probe data elements. This is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of event-based probe data probe data elements. It provides a common framework for defining event-based probe data messages to facilitate the specification and design of probe vehicle systems. It provides concrete definitions of event-based probe data elements, serves as a supplement to ISO 22837, and specifies additional normative data (probe data elements) that are delivered by an event-based probe data system.

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ISO 29284 Probe - Event-based Data

Hyperlinks to the standard are provided when practical, but may not be up-to-date as SDOs may change their websites without prior notice. The ARC-IT team will update hyperlinks with ARC-IT releases.