Micro-Mobility Services

Status: Existing

Description: Micro–Mobility Services represents systems that provide information about shared–use transportation services that provide low—cost methods of transportation to enhance mobility and address the last—mile needs of downtown Indianapolis. This mode of transportation generally defined as micro–mobility which includes bicycles, scooters, electric–assist bicycles, electric scooters (e–scooters), and other small, lightweight, wheeled conveyances.

Stakeholder: Private Traveler Services

Systems Interconnected
with the Micro-Mobility Services

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Micro-Mobility Services:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Micro-Mobility Services:

Micro-Mobility Services flows into icon Payment Administration Center Micro-Mobility Services flows into icon Personal Computing Devices Micro-Mobility Services flows into icon Private Traveler Services Payment Administration Centerflows into iconMicro-Mobility Services Personal Computing Devicesflows into iconMicro-Mobility Services

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Micro-Mobility Services:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Micro-Mobility Services:

Last Updated: 2/7/2024
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