z Vulnerable Road User Safety (example project)
Project Description: The Vulnerable Road User Safety project is an example framework for future CAV systems as a reference/guide in support of stakeholder discussion, ITS planning, or grant applications. The project includes the sensing and warning systems used to interact with pedestrians, cyclists, wheel chair users, scooter riders, and other vulnerable road users that are on pathways that are immediately adjacent to or intersect the roadway. These systems allow automated warning or active protection for vulnerable road users. It integrates traffic and vulnerable road user information from roadside or intersection detectors and data from wirelessly connected, traveler–carried mobile devices to request right–of–way or to inform pedestrians when to cross and how to remain aligned with the crosswalk or pathway based on real–time Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) and MAP information. In some cases, priority will be given to non–motorized travelers, such as persons with disabilities who need additional crossing time, or in special conditions (e.g., weather) where non–motorized travelers may warrant priority or additional crossing time.
Project Status: Planned
Project Stakeholders:
Interconnect and Flow

Project Service Packages:
Project Information Flows:
Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):
Personal Computing Devices - Personal Pedestrian Safety
1: The personal information device shall provide the current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) of the non-motorized travelers.
Suburban Municipality Street Department CAV Roadside Equipment - RSE Intersection Safety
1: The roadway equipment shall collect the current location (latitude, longitude, and elevation) from personal information devices.
2: The roadway equipment shall communicate with approaching vehicles to alert and warn drivers of potential stop sign, red light, and non-motorized user crossing conflicts or violations.
3: The roadway equipment shall collect vehicle path information sent by a vehicle.
4: The roadway equipment shall provide current crossing status including permission to cross, crossing time remaining.
5: The roadway equipment shall send to Connected Vehicles intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current speed and location.
6: The roadway equipment shall send to connected vehicles a warning if an intersection violation appears to be imminent.
Suburban Municipality Street Department Operations/Dispatch - TMC Intersection Safety
5: The field element shall be capable of configuring roadside equipment to perform the collection and transmission of information to support intersection safety.
Suburban Municipality Street Department Roadside Equipment - Roadway Mixed Use Crossing Safety
3: The field element shall inform pedestrians and bicyclists of the status of the intersection including the amount of time left for crossing the intersection.
Vehicles - Vehicle Basic Safety Communication
2: The vehicle shall provide its location with lane-level accuracy to on-board applications.
7: The vehicle shall receive warnings, informational road signs, traffic meters, and signals provided by infrastructure devices.
Vehicles - Vehicle Intersection Warning
3: The vehicle shall receive intersection signal timing information in order for the vehicle to determine if it will safely cross the intersection given its current location and speed.
4: The vehicle shall be capable of providing warnings to the driver based upon information received regarding pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-motorized users that are sharing the roadway with the vehicle.
Project Operational Concepts:
Regional Objectives from the Metropolitan Plan:
6. To improve safety for travelers system-wide through project investment.
6A. Support projects and policies that reduce the number and rate of serious injuries and fatalities for all modes.
Last Updated: 2/7/2024