INDOT I-465 Ramp Metering

Project Description: This project would install ramp metering equipment and perform traffic metering on I–465 on–ramp.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
roadway dynamic signage data INDOT Indianapolis TMC INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned
roadway dynamic signage status INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Indianapolis TMC Planned
signal control commands INDOT Arterial TMS INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned
signal control status INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Arterial TMS Existing
traffic detector control INDOT Arterial TMS INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned
traffic detector control INDOT Indianapolis TMC INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned
traffic detector data INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Arterial TMS Planned
traffic detector data INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Indianapolis TMC Planned
traffic images INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Indianapolis TMC Planned
traffic metering control INDOT Arterial TMS INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned
traffic metering control INDOT Indianapolis TMC INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned
traffic metering status INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Arterial TMS Planned
traffic metering status INDOT Ramp Metering System INDOT Indianapolis TMC Planned
video surveillance control INDOT Indianapolis TMC INDOT Ramp Metering System Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts: Regional Objectives from the Metropolitan Plan: Last Updated: 2/7/2024
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