z Multimodal Accessible Travel En-Route Guidance (example project) Roles and Responsibilities
This area includes all the roles and responsibilities that have been identified for the z Multimodal Accessible Travel En-Route Guidance (example project) project.
Service Packages
- Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation/IndyGo
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide transit fares, schedule and schedule adherence information to multimodal transportation service.
- Travelers
Roles and Responsibilities
- Install and use multimodal trip guidance applications on personal computing devices and in-vehicle systems.
- Suburban Municipalities
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide real-time road network conditions and incident information to inform multimodal trip guidance services.
- Private Traveler Services
Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide pre-trip and en-route trip guidance services for travelers on multimodal trips..
Last Updated: 2/7/2024