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VDOT Remote Workstations




This element represents the client program that the cities of Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News and VDOT Smart Travel Lab use to control VDOT cameras within their city limits.



Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT Remote Workstations

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT Remote Workstations:

Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT Remote Workstations:

VDOT Remote Workstations flows into icon VDOT ERO TOC/ATMS VDOT ERO TOC/ATMSflows into iconVDOT Remote Workstations

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT Remote Workstations:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT Remote Workstations:

National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VDOT Remote Workstations:

TMC Basic Surveillance
  1. The center shall maintain a database of surveillance equipment and sensors and associated data (including the roadway on which they are located, the type of data collected, and the ownership of each).
  2. The center shall monitor, analyze, and distribute traffic images from CCTV systems under remote control of the center.
TMC Regional Traffic Management
  1. The center shall exchange traffic information with other traffic management centers including incident information, congestion data, traffic data, signal timing plans, and real-time signal control information.
  2. The center shall exchange traffic control information with other traffic management centers to support remote monitoring and control of traffic management devices (e.g. signs, sensors, signals, cameras, etc.).