TIDE Light Rail Operations
This element represents the center that will operate the TIDE trains and communicate with other transit and possible traffic management center in the region.
Systems Interconnected
with the TIDE Light Rail Operations
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include TIDE Light Rail Operations:
- TIDE Light Rail Operations City of Norfolk STC
- TIDE Light Rail Operations HRT Operations Centers
- TIDE Light Rail Operations TIDE Train
- TIDE Light Rail Operations Virginia Transit Information Portal
Architecture Flows
to/from the TIDE Light Rail Operations:
TIDE Light Rail Operations City of Norfolk STCNational ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the TIDE Light Rail Operations:
- Archived Data User System Terminator
- Rail Operations Center Terminator
- Transit Management Center Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with TIDE Light Rail Operations:
- DM01 - ITS Data Warehouse (Transit Information Portal) -- (Graphic)
- PT01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - TIDE -- (Graphic)
- PT02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - TIDE -- (Graphic)