Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder

Personal Interactive Traveler Information

'Personal Interactive Traveler Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones.

  1. The personal traveler interface shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.
  2. The personal traveler interface shall receive wide-area alerts and present it to the traveler.
  3. The personal traveler interface shall receive event information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.
  4. The personal traveler interface shall receive transit information from a center and present it to the traveler upon request.