Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder
Place holder

Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining

'Archive On-Line Analysis and Mining' provides advanced data analysis, summarization, and mining features that facilitate discovery of information, patterns, and correlations in large data sets. Multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services may be offered. Complex performance measures that are derived from multiple data sources may also be produced.

  1. The center shall provide the capability to perform activities such as data mining, data fusion, summarizations, aggregations, and recreation from archive data. This may include multidimensional analysis, selective summarization and expansion of data details, and many other advanced analysis services.