Petersburg Area Transit


This stakeholder represents the owner of the Petersburg Area Transit.

Inventory Elements:

Roles and Responsibilities:

    Archived Data Systems for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • None defined

    Emergency Management for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • Provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops and multi-modal transfer points, including general annunciation, display of imminent arrival information, the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real-time schedule adherence.

    Freeway Management for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • None defined

    Incident Management for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • None defined

    Maintenance and Construction for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • Coordinate schedules with other agencies and modes, including transit transfer cluster and transfer point information.

    Surface Street Management for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • None defined

    Transit Services for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • Monitor silent alarms activated by transit user or vehicle operator on a transit vehicle.
    • Collect passenger data using on-board systems and send it to the transit center.
    • Manage demand response transit services, including paratransit including planning and scheduling of these services, providing automated vehicle dispatch and automatic updates to customer service operator systems.
    • Assign transit operators to runs in a fair manner while minimizing labor and overtime services, considering operator preferences, qualifications, accumulated work hours, and other information about each operator.
    • Provide real-time travel-related information at transit stops and multi-modal transfer points, including general annunciation, display of imminent arrival information, the latest available information on transit routes, schedules, transfer options, available services, fares, and real-time schedule adherence.
    • Operate and maintain transit fleet with automatic vehicle location (AVL).
    • Allow a traveler to pay for transit fares, tolls, and/or parking lot charges using a travel card, to calculate the amount due and identify payment problems from a public traveler device, such as a kiosk.
    • Furnish users with real-time transit schedule information.
    • Collect fares on-board from a travelers card.
    • Allow remote vehicle disabling of a transit vehicle.
    • Monitor on-board video/audio surveillance systems, threat sensors, and object detection sensors to enhance security and safety on-board a transit vehicle.
    • Operate and maintain transit fleet with automated mileage and fuel reporting and auditing.
    • Collect and process transit vehicle maintenance data from on-board systems including mileage and vehicle operating conditions for use in scheduling future vehicle maintenance.
    • Request signal priority through short range communication from a transit vehicle directly to traffic control equipment on the roadway (intersections, ramps, interchanges, etc.)
    • Coordinate schedules with other agencies and modes, including transit transfer cluster and transfer point information.
    • Maintain interface with digital map providers.
    • Send collected fare data from the transit vehicle to the transit center.
    • Provide paratransit and flexible-route dispatch information, including multi-stop runs, to the transit vehicle operator using on-board systems.
    • Monitor transit vehicle locations via interactions with on-board systems.

    Traveler Information for Virginia CR ITS Architecture
    • None defined