Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse




This element represents an existing back office environment for housing electronic fare payment information for the Hamton Roads area. Currently, this element represents the farecard clearinghouse for HRT.


Hampton Roads Transit (HRT)

Systems Interconnected
with the Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse:

Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse flows into icon VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Center VDOT Smart-Tag EZ-Pass Customer Service Centerflows into iconRegional Fare Payment Clearinghouse

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse:

National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with Regional Fare Payment Clearinghouse:

  • none