VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles
The safety service patrol is responsible for identifying and responding to incidents that occur on VDOT's roadway system. This element represents the SSP vehicles.
Systems Interconnected
with the VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles
- CapWIN
- HOT Operations Center
- MWAA Center
- NRO Local Public Safety Centers
- NRO Local Public Safety Mobile Centers
- NRO Thornburg Center
- Smart Travel Lab
- VDOT Arlington SSP Center
- VDOT Mobility Data Store
- VDOT NOVA District Maintenance
- VDOT Video Clearinghouses
- VSP Center - MPSTOC
- VSP Mobile Unified Command Center
Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles:
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles CapWIN
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles HOT Operations Center
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles MWAA Center
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles NRO Local Public Safety Centers
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles NRO Local Public Safety Mobile Centers
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles NRO Thornburg Center
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles Smart Travel Lab
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VDOT Arlington SSP Center
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VDOT Mobility Data Store
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VDOT NOVA District Maintenance
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VDOT NRO TFO
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VDOT Video Clearinghouses
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VSP Center - MPSTOC
- VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles VSP Mobile Unified Command Center
Architecture Flows
to/from the VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles:
VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles CapWINNational ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles:
National ITS Architecture Services
associated with VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles:
- EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - NOVA District -- (Graphic)
- EM04 - Roadway Service Patrols - Arlington TMC -- (Graphic)
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements
associated with VDOT Arlington SSP Vehicles:
On-board EV En Route Support
- The emergency vehicle, including roadway service patrols, shall send the vehicle's location and operational data to the center for emergency management and dispatch.
- The emergency vehicle, including roadway service patrols, shall receive incident details and a suggested route when dispatched to a scene.
- The emergency vehicle shall send the current en route status (including estimated time of arrival) and requests for emergency dispatch updates.
- The emergency vehicle shall receive dispatch instructions sufficient to enable emergency personnel in the field to implement an effective incident response. It includes local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and the current status of resources that have been allocated to an incident.
- The emergency vehicle shall provide an interface to the center for emergency personnel to transmit information about the incident site such as the extent of injuries, identification of vehicles and people involved, hazardous material, etc.
- The emergency vehicle shall provide an interface to the center for emergency personnel to transmit information about the current incident response status such as the identification of the resources on site, site management strategies in effect, and current clearance status.