Incident Management for Virginia Statewide Architecture
Border 511 States- Share incident notifications, manage incident response resources and coordinate overall incident situation and response among allied response organizations.
- Support coordinated response to incidents.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Support coordinated response to incidents.
- Share incident notifications, manage incident response resources and coordinate overall incident situation and response among allied response organizations.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Share incident notifications, manage incident response resources and coordinate overall incident situation and response among allied response organizations.
- Support coordinated response to incidents.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Report identified incidents to operations personnel and other centers.
- Provide incident information to dispatched public safety personnel via on-board vehicle systems.
- Transmit incident information from on-scene public safety to the public safety center via on-board vehicle systems.
- Monitor traffic sensor and surveillance systems remotely to detect and verify incidents.
- Monitor external advisory and incident reporting systems, intermodal freight depots, and border crossings for incident information.
- Plan strategically for emergency response.
- Formulate an incident response that takes into account the incident potential, incident impacts, and/or resources required for incident management including proposing and facilitating the dispatch of emergency response and service vehicles.
- Provide tactical decision support, resource coordination, and communications integration among public safety agencies for Incident Commands that are established by first responders to support local management of an incident.
- Coordinate incident response with all appropriate cooperating agencies.
- Share information with other public safety agencies via the Emergency Operations Centers to support large-scale incidents and disasters.