Border 511 States


This Stakeholder represents the states that are at the border of Virginia and have 511 systems. These states include Tennessee, Kentucky and North Carolina.

Inventory Elements:

Roles and Responsibilities:

    Archived Data Systems for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • None defined

    Electronic Toll Collection for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • Collect traveler information from other centers, consolidate and refine the collected data, and make it available to travelers.

    Emergency Management for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • Support coordinated response to incidents.
    • Distribute emergency information to the traveling public, including evacuation information and wide-area alerts.
    • Share incident notifications, manage incident response resources and coordinate overall incident situation and response among allied response organizations.
    • Collect traveler information from other centers, consolidate and refine the collected data, and make it available to travelers.
    • Distribute traveler information and wide-area alerts to traveler telephone information systems such as 511, based on voice-based traveler requests.

    Freeway Management for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • None defined

    Incident Management for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • Share incident notifications, manage incident response resources and coordinate overall incident situation and response among allied response organizations.
    • Support coordinated response to incidents.

    Maintenance and Construction for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • Coordinate work schedules, factoring in the needs and activities of other agencies and adjacent jurisdictions.
    • Collect traveler information from other centers, consolidate and refine the collected data, and make it available to travelers.
    • Disseminate work activity schedules and current asset restrictions to other agencies.

    Traveler Information for Virginia Statewide Architecture
    • Provide personalized traffic, transit, maintenance and construction, multimodal, event, and weather information to traveler, upon request.
    • Disseminate traffic, transit, maintenance and construction, event, and weather information to travelers.
    • Distribute traveler information and wide-area alerts to traveler telephone information systems such as 511, based on voice-based traveler requests.
    • Collect traveler information from other centers, consolidate and refine the collected data, and make it available to travelers.