Sedgwick County Department on Aging
Definition:The Sedgwick County Department on Aging's mission is to be the recognized leader in a collaborative effort towards assisting diverse populations of older adults and persons with disabilities to maintain their choice of lifestyle through education, advocacy and services. The Department administers the Transportation Brokerage program, which is a collective of funding and grants to provide door-to-door transportation services in the urban area of Wichita and rural areas in and adjacent to Sedgwick County to older adults and persons with disabilities. These services provide access to medical care, social services and employment. Transportation services are provided directly by the Department, and also rides are brokered through a taxi company, charitable organizations that serve persons with disabilities, and specialized private transit providers. The Brokerage’s current six vendors include Timber Lines, American Cab Company, Travelin’ Taxi, Gold Star Medical Transports, Wisdom Travels and Friendly Shepherd.
The Department coordinates between 20,000 and 40,000 rides annually and serves over 3,000 Sedgwick County citizens.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Transit Services for Wichita Area
- Sedgwick County Department on Aging is responsible for managing the efficiency of the paratransit service and help to ensure vehicles are being routed through areas that experience low congestion levels based on information from the Wichita Area traffic agencies.
- Sedgwick County Department on Aging is responsible for providing the paratransit services for the elderly community in Sedwick County.
- Sedgwick County Department on Aging is responsible for tracking their vehicles for schedule and route adherence.