Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Rail Operations Centers

Status: Existing

Description: Represents the operational control centers for heavy rail operators that serve Florida.

Stakeholder: Freight Railroad Operators

Systems Interconnected
with the Rail Operations Centers

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Rail Operations Centers:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Rail Operations Centers:

Rail Operations Centers flows into icon County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systems Rail Operations Centers flows into icon FDOT District 2 Public Information Office Systems Rail Operations Centers flows into icon FDOT District 2 RTMC Rail Operations Centers flows into icon FHP Regional Dispatch Rail Operations Centers flows into icon North Florida RTMC Rail Operations Centers flows into icon US Coast Guard Office System County and City Roadway Maintenance and Construction Systemsflows into iconRail Operations Centers FDOT District 2 Public Information Office Systemsflows into iconRail Operations Centers FDOT District 2 RTMCflows into iconRail Operations Centers FHP Regional Dispatchflows into iconRail Operations Centers North Florida RTMCflows into iconRail Operations Centers US Coast Guard Office Systemflows into iconRail Operations Centers

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Rail Operations Centers:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Rail Operations Centers:

Last Updated 2/3/2025