This website provides access to the Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures. These architectures define the functional relationships between the transportation systems across the State of Florida, affording the agencies and organizations in the State information they can use to plan and develop transportation solutions to meet the State's needs.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) began a project in 2019 to update Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures to reflect the latest transportation systems implementations and to identify what will potentially be needed to support and address the transportation needs over the next ten years. The revised architectures comply with the FHWA 23 CFR Rule 940 requirements and are compatible with the Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT).
The purpose of this Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures website is to present the ITS architectures that reflect the intelligent transportation system architecture status and vision of the stakeholders represented within each of the architectures across the state of Florida.
The ITS Architectures that make up this website were developed through a cooperative effort by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), including its Central Office, each of the FDOT Districts, Florida's Turnpike Enterprise and identified stakeholders within each region. All ITS architecture updates were coordinated through FDOT's Central Office - Transportation Systems Management & Operations Program. Stakeholder inputs were reflected in the content of each architecture represented on the website. Florida has a total of seven regional ITS architectures plus a statewide architecture as follows:
The previous versions of the regional ITS architectures were used as the baseline for these updates. Starting in August 2019, key stakeholders were interviewed to provide information for the architecture updates. Additional information was gathered from documents provided by regional stakeholders, as well as through publicly available planning documents.
Stakeholder Workshops were conducted for the statewide and each regional architecture to further the stakeholder engagement process. The workshops provided a forum to answer stakeholder questions, to address existing and potential information exchanges, as well as planned projects and initiatives to be reflected in the ITS architectures.
The information gathered was used to initiate the process of revising each ITS architecture. The focus of the ITS architectures is to identify actual information exchange requirements between specific ITS elements in the regions.
The architecture major update process was completed at the end of 2020. Starting in 2021, the architectures were converted to the latest version of ARC-IT, Version 9.0 using the Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation (RAD-IT) software. Conversion features in RAD-IT Version 9.0 converted the architecture database schema to be compatible with RAD-IT Version 9.0 and aligned to reference ARC-IT Version 9.0 content. The intent of the conversion process was to maintain the alignment of the converted Architecture content to the greatest extent possible with the pre-conversion Architecture content. Some element physical object mapping changes, service package changes, information flow additions and adjustments, and the evolution of the standards mappings in ARC-IT Version 9.0 required changes to be made to the Architecture content. Unless it was necessary, no additional changes beyond those required to align the pre-conversion and converted architecture content were made.
Going forward, each of the architectures will be periodically reviewed and assessed for revisions that are necessary to reflect current ITS project and system deployment conditions and to incorporate change requests submitted by stakeholders. Given the evolving status of the architecture update process, the architectures may be in different states of maintenance. An Architecture Maintenance Log is used to list and manage the changes planned for each architecture during a maintenance cycle. The maintenance log can be downloaded from the following link:
The following provides the current status of each architecture on this website.
Architecture updates are made using the RAD-IT software which is based on ARC-IT. ARC-IT and the RAD-IT software are accessible on the ARC-IT website at
Last updated: 9/14/2022