Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

Port of Fernandina

Status: Existing

Description: The Port of Fernandina is a rail–served, natural deep water port on the Atlantic seaboard, just 2.2 miles from the open ocean with a channel draft of 36 feet MLW free of any overhead obstructions. The 950 foot turning basin is directly adjacent to the 1,200 liner foot pier. Tug services are available and most vessels can transit from the sea buoy in one hour. The port handles a variety of cargoes, including steel, aluminum, machinery, paper and forest products and consumer goods. It has 250,000 square–feet of on–site warehouse space, 100,000+ square–feet off–port, and 10 acres of open storage, all which sits minutes away from a new six–lane A1A/SR 200 highway enabling easy access to both Interstates 95 and 10.

Stakeholder: Ocean Highway and Port Authority

Systems Interconnected
with the Port of Fernandina

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include Port of Fernandina:

Architecture Flows
to/from the Port of Fernandina:

Port of Fernandina flows into icon Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systemsflows into iconPort of Fernandina

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the Port of Fernandina:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with Port of Fernandina:

Last Updated 2/3/2025