Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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JAXPORT Marine Terminal System

Status: Existing

Description: Marine terminals at Blount Island, Talleyrand, and Dames Point (Future). In addition to the three JAXPORT Terminals, private port terminals in the study area account for approximately an additional 10 million tons of cargo annually. These private facilities are typically located in close proximity to the to the JAXPORT Terminals.

The JAXPORT terminals are within an eight hour truck drive of 33 million consumers, including those in Atlanta, Miami, Orlando, and Tampa/St. Petersburg, the four largest metropolitan areas in the region. JAXPORT is also at the foot of the land bridge connecting the Pacific with the east coasts of North and South America. The Jacksonville area has a strategic location at the southeastern–most corner of the U.S. rail, highway, and port crossroads.

Stakeholder: Jacksonville Port Authority

Systems Interconnected
with the JAXPORT Marine Terminal System

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include JAXPORT Marine Terminal System:

Architecture Flows
to/from the JAXPORT Marine Terminal System:

JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon City of Gainesville Regional Transit System JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon Inter-City Bus System JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systems JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Skyway Control Center JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon North Florida RTMC JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systems JAXPORT Marine Terminal System flows into icon Private Taxi Dispatch City of Gainesville Regional Transit Systemflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System Inter-City Bus Systemflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systemsflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System Jacksonville Transit Skyway Control Centerflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System North Florida RTMCflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System Private Fleet Vehicle Dispatch Systemsflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System Private Taxi Dispatchflows into iconJAXPORT Marine Terminal System

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the JAXPORT Marine Terminal System:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with JAXPORT Marine Terminal System:

Last Updated 2/3/2025