Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

JTA Skyway Vehicles

Status: Existing

Description: The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) Skyway Vehicles are fully automated, fixed guideway vehicles currently providing service to downtown Jacksonville. When complete, these vehicles are expected to provide transportation alternatives to major facilities in the City of Jacksonville downtown area.

Stakeholder: Jacksonville Transportation Authority

Systems Interconnected
with the JTA Skyway Vehicles

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include JTA Skyway Vehicles:

Architecture Flows
to/from the JTA Skyway Vehicles:

JTA Skyway Vehicles flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Fixed-Route Systems JTA Skyway Vehicles flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Paratransit Systems JTA Skyway Vehicles flows into icon Jacksonville Transit Skyway Control Center Jacksonville Transit Skyway Control Centerflows into iconJTA Skyway Vehicles

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the JTA Skyway Vehicles:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with JTA Skyway Vehicles:

Last Updated 2/3/2025