Gainesville Traffic Operations Division
Description: The Traffic Operations Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of Traffic Signals, Traffic Management Center and Connected Vehicle infrastructure.
Stakeholder Groups Associated With:
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Gainesville Arterial DMS Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using City of Gainesville DMS equipment.
Gainesville AV Shuttle Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and maintain CAV Field Equipment.
Gainesville Bike and Pedestrian Safety Project Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide alerts to vehicles and pedestrians
- Operate and maintain system to provide signal information to pedestrians and bicyclists.
Gainesville Bluetooth Automated Arterial Travel Time System Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect and process travel time information.
- Provide travel time information to travelers.
Gainesville Connected Vehicle Arterial Travel Time System Roles and Responsibilities (Copy 1)
- Collect and process travel time information.
- Provide travel time information to travelers.
Gainesville Expanded Automated Arterial Travel Time System Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using City of Gainesville DMS equipment.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data using CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
Gainesville Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide signal information to vehicles.
Gainesville Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) Trapezium Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide signal information to vehicles.
Gainesville TDM Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using City of Gainesville DMS equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 2.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data using CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Coordinate with FDOT District 2 to operate express lanes on highways, including dynamic tolling.
Gainesville Traffic Signal Maintenance Roles and Responsibilities
- Maintain traffic signal systems for the City of Gainesville and Alachua County.
Gainesville Traffic Signal Upgrade Roles and Responsibiities
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/Warning Point.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 2.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data using CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for the City of Gainesville and Alachua County.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for county fire/EMS.
- Provide interconnection between railroad equipment and traffic signal systems to update signal timing when HRIs are blocked by trains.
- Provide transit signal priority using roadside devices for Gainesville transportation service vehicles.
I-75 Floridas Regional Advanced Mobility Elements (FRAME) Roles and Responsibilities
- Operate and maintain CAV Field Equipment.
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide signal preemption to public safety vehicles.
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide signal priority to public transportation vehicles.
- Operate and maintain connected vehicle equipment along roadway to provide signal priority to commerical vehicles.
- Operate and maintain equipment at traffic signals to provide automated traffic signal performance measures.
- Operate and maintain system to process and analyze automated traffic signal performance measures.
- Use automated traffic signal performance measures to manage traffic on roadways in City of Gainesville.
I-75 ITS Corridor Roles and Responsibilities
- Provide traffic information to travelers using City of Gainesville DMS equipment.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 2.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data using CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
Incident Management (Traffic and Maintenance) for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Receive incident information, incident response status, and resource requests from the county EOC/warning point.
- Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with county and city maintenance and construction systems.
- Perform network surveillance for detection and verification of incidents on city streets, and send traffic/incident information and traffic images to regional public safety agencies, such as county public safety (e.g., fire/EMS/sheriff), the FHP and local
- Provide incident information to travelers using traffic information devices on city streets, and through local ISPs, Web sites, and the local media.
Traffic Signal Control for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Coordinate emergency traffic signal control with the county EOC/Warning Point.
- Provide transit signal priority using roadside devices for Gainesville transportation service vehicles.
- Coordinate traffic information with FDOT District 2.
- Obtain traffic images and traffic flow data using CCTVs and field sensors, and maintain operational control of its own field equipment.
- Operate traffic signal systems for the City of Gainesville and Alachua County.
- Provide emergency signal preemption for county fire/EMS.
- Provide interconnection between railroad equipment and traffic signal systems to update signal timing when HRIs are blocked by trains.
Transit Management for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Provide the capability for transit traveler trip planning, including the ability to make paratransit trip reservations.
- Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on fixed-route vehicles.
- Provide transit schedule and fare information to regional traveler information systems, including the northeast Florida traveler information system.
- Provide transit vehicle security using silent alarms and video surveillance.
- Coordinate multimodal connections for fixed-route transit vehicles with other regional transit agencies and multimodal service providers.
- Track and evaluate schedule performance on all system transit vehicles.
- Coordinate transit signal priority for fixed-route transit vehicles with the traffic division.
- Coordinate with local police for response to transit-related incidents.
- Provide fixed-route transit and paratransit services for the City of Gainesville.
Traveler Information for Northeast Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 2
- Provide traffic and road network information to Gainesville transit operations.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using City of Gainesville DMS equipment.
- Provide traffic information to travelers using the county public information system, private companies, the northeast Florida traveler information system, and the media.
Last Updated 2/3/2025