Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Radio Upgrade

Project Description: Project to upgrade Road Ranger radios to provide more digital data transfer from the Road Ranger vehicles.

Project Status: Planned

Project Stakeholders:
Project Inventory:

Project Service Packages: Project Information Flows:

Information Flow Source Element Destination Element Status
emergency vehicle tracking data FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC Planned
incident information City of Tallahassee STMC Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS Planned
incident information City of Tallahassee STMC FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC Planned
incident information Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS City of Tallahassee STMC Planned
incident information Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC Planned
incident information FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC City of Tallahassee STMC Planned
incident information FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS Planned
service patrol dispatch request City of Tallahassee STMC FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
service patrol dispatch request Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
service patrol dispatch request FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
service patrol dispatch request Joint Crestview TMC FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Planned
service patrol dispatch response FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles City of Tallahassee STMC Planned
service patrol dispatch response FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS Planned
service patrol dispatch response FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC Planned
service patrol dispatch response FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Joint Crestview TMC Planned
service patrol incident status FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles City of Tallahassee STMC Planned
service patrol incident status FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Escambia-Santa Rosa Regional ATMS Planned
service patrol incident status FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles FDOT District 3 Chipley RTMC Planned
service patrol incident status FDOT District 3 Road Ranger Service Patrol Vehicles Joint Crestview TMC Planned

Project Functional Requirements (Element - Functional Object):


Project Operational Concepts:

Last Updated 4/29/2024