Description: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Central Office (CO). The mission of the department is to provide a safe and reliable transportation system that ensures the mobility of people and goods, enhances economic prosperity and preserves the quality of Florida's environment and communities. Various modes of transportation are supported by the department including roadways, railways, seaport and airports.
Inventory Elements:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Emergency Management for Western Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 3
- Coordinate distribution of alert information for wide area alerts to all FDOT departments (e.g., traffic, maintenance, etc.).
- Coordinate emergency and evacuation plans with the county EOC.
- Provide the dispatch of and suggest route information to the FDOT District 3 Road Rangers Service Patrols operated by the FHP.
- Provide threat information to regional emergency management providers and regional traffic agencies.
- Coordinate incident response and incident reports with the county sheriff, county fire/EMS agencies, county EOC, local police/fire/EMS agencies, the FHP, and other public safety agencies.
- Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans; evacuation and reentry plans; and disaster management plans with FDOT District 3 and other Districts, and provide this information to regional traveler ISPs.
- Monitor secure area sensors and report alert notifications to all FDOT District 3 TMCs who, in turn, forward the information to the FDOT District 3 construction and maintenance systems; the FDOT statewide ATIS; and control barrier systems on the roadway.
- Participate in incident response, coordination, and reporting for the regional incident and mutual aid network.
FDOT District 3 CCTV Upgrade Roles and Responsibilities (Copy 1)
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information from regional agencies, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
FDOT Smart Bay - Part 1 Roles and Responsibilities
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information from regional agencies, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Provide security and credentials management support and certificates for connected vehicle operations.
FDOT Smart Bay Project - Part 2 Roles and Responsiblities
- Provide security and credentials management support and certificates for connected vehicle operations.
Parking Management for Western Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 3 (Copy 1)
- Receive parking lot input from Escambia County.
- Provide traveler information to the traveling public using kiosks at rest areas, visitor centers, and service plazas, or through vehicle information systems or personal computing devices.
Traveler Information for Western Florida Regional ITS Architecture - FDOT District 3
- Provide ISP route guidance to travelers upon request based on updated real-time traffic and transit information from regional providers).
- Collect traffic, incident, and transit schedule information from regional agencies, and provide it to the media and private travelers.
- Coordinate and share traveler information with all other traveler information providers in the region, including county and city PIOs; the FDOT District 3 PIO; and private sector traveler information systems.
- Provide traveler information to the media directly or through the FDOT Public Information Office (PIO).
- Provide traveler information to the traveling public using kiosks at rest areas, visitor centers, and service plazas, or through vehicle information systems or personal computing devices.
Walton County ATMS Project Roles and Responsibilites (Copy 1)
- Provide traveler information to the traveling public using kiosks at rest areas, visitor centers, and service plazas, or through vehicle information systems or personal computing devices.
Walton County ATMS Project Roles and Responsibilities (Copy 2)
- Provide traveler information to the traveling public using kiosks at rest areas, visitor centers, and service plazas, or through vehicle information systems or personal computing devices.
Last Updated 2/6/2025