Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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(None-Data) - Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)


This solution is used within Canada and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with (None-Data) with those for I-M: Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS). The (None-Data) standards include an unspecified set of standards at the upper layers. The I-M: Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS) standards include lower-layer standards that support secure communications with guaranteed delivery between two entities, either or both of which may be mobile devices, but they must be stationary or only moving within wireless range of a single wireless access point (e.g., a parked car). Security is based on X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 certificates. A non-mobile (if any) endpoint may connect to the service provider using any Internet connection method.

Comm Profile: I-M: Guaranteed Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)

Standards in Profile:

Data Profile: (None-Data)

Standards in Profile:

Readiness Description:

Many serious issues. This category includes solutions that have not been standardized, or do not have a basic level of interoperability or security. Consider selecting a different communications solution or if this is not possible (eg. a pilot of a new application that has not been standardized), take additional measures to provide an acceptable level of security or interoperability.

Last Updated 2/6/2025