US: TCIP - Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
This solution is used within Canada and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: TCIP with those for I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS). The US: TCIP standards include upper-layer standards required to implement transit-related communications. The I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS) standards include lower-layer standards that support secure communications between two entities, either or both of which may be mobile devices, but they must be stationary or only moving within wireless range of a single wireless access point (e.g., a parked car). Security is based on X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 certificates. A non-mobile (if any) endpoint may connect to the service provider using any Internet connection method.
Comm Profile: I-M: Secure Wireless Internet (ITS)
Standards in Profile:
Level | Doc # | Standard | Description |
Wireless Internet Alternatives (NA)
A set of alternative standards that supports any technology that allows a mobile device (e.g., a vehicle) to connect to the Internet (or an intranet) while stationary or moving within a limited area. For example, this would include both Wi-Fi and cellular technologies among others. NOTE: Use of the WAVE Subnet should be coupled with use of IEEE 1609.3 at the TransNet Layer.
Bundle: SNMPv3 MIB
A bundle of standards (RFCs) that groups the common management information bases (MIBs) used to manage IP networks at the transport layer and below using SNMPv3.
Secure Session Alternatives
A set of alternative standards that identifies standards that are used to establish and maintain secure Internet sessions. If an information exchange does not require encryption, the (D)TLS session can negotiate NULL encryption. NOTE: If TCP is selected in the TransNet Layer, one of the TLS alternatives must be selected from this alternative set; if UDP is selected in the TransNet Layer, one of the DTLS alternatives must be selected from this alternative set.
Internet Transport Alternatives
A set of alternative standards that identifies the two major options for the transport layer for mainstream IP-based deployments.
IP Alternatives
A set of alternative standards that allows for the selection of IPv4 or IPv6.
Data Profile: US: TCIP
Standards in Profile:
Level | Doc # | Standard | Description |
Encoding Alternatives
A set of alternative standards for encoding schemes that can be used to transfer data.
APTA TCIP-S-001 Vol 2
TCIP - Data
This standard defines the data concepts used by the TCIP standard.
ITS Application Entity
APTA TCIP-S-001 Vol 2
TCIP - Data
This standard defines the data concepts used by the TCIP standard.
Readiness Description:
One serious or several significant issues. This category often includes proprietary or partial solutions. The communications solution may fail to provide even a base level of interoperability and security. Consider alternative solutions, or define specific revisions or upgrades that would provide a level of interoperability or security that are needed for the deployment.
Last Updated 2/6/2025