Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

FDOT District 5 RTMC

Status: Existing

Description: The FDOT District 5 Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC), located in Central Florida, is responsible for distributing AMBER, Silver and LEO alerts to other FDOT District TMCs.

Stakeholder: FDOT District 5

Systems Interconnected
with the FDOT District 5 RTMC

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include FDOT District 5 RTMC:

Architecture Flows
to/from the FDOT District 5 RTMC:

FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon FDLE Headquarters Emergency Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon FDOT District 4 FMS FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon FDOT District 4 I-595 FMS FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Center FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon FTE Operations Center (Pompano) FDOT District 5 RTMC flows into icon GMX TMC FDLE Headquarters Emergency Management Systemflows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 4 Arterial Management Systemflows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 4 FMSflows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 4 I-595 FMSflows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC FDOT District 6 SunGuide Transportation Management Centerflows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC FTE Operations Center (Pompano)flows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC GMX TMCflows into iconFDOT District 5 RTMC

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the FDOT District 5 RTMC:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with FDOT District 5 RTMC:

Last Updated 2/6/2025