Florida Department of Transportation
Florida Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

Florida ITS Architecture Banner

South Florida ICM

Status: Planned

Description: Represents a future South Florida Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) initiative in FDOT District 4 that may integrate information from multiple transportation management systems in order to provide ICM services to the region. This element is part of the South Florida ICM project which is in the study stage. When the concept has matured, the RITSA project and element definition will be revised to reflect the deployment approach.

Stakeholder: FDOT D4/Broward County Traffic Engineering Division

Systems Interconnected
with the South Florida ICM

Architecture Flow Diagrams
which include South Florida ICM:

Architecture Flows
to/from the South Florida ICM:

South Florida ICM flows into icon BCT Transit Systems South Florida ICM flows into icon Broward County TMC South Florida ICM flows into icon FDOT District 4 Arterial Management System South Florida ICM flows into icon FDOT District 4 Field Equipment South Florida ICM flows into icon FDOT District 4 FMS South Florida ICM flows into icon FDOT District 4 I-595 FMS South Florida ICM flows into icon Florida 511 South Florida ICM flows into icon Indian River County TMC South Florida ICM flows into icon Local TMA Transit Systems South Florida ICM flows into icon Other FDOT District TMCs South Florida ICM flows into icon Palm Beach County TMC South Florida ICM flows into icon Palm Tran Transit Systems South Florida ICM flows into icon Private/Public Parking Facility Operators South Florida ICM flows into icon St. Lucie Community Transit Systems South Florida ICM flows into icon St. Lucie County Traffic Signal System BCT Transit Systemsflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Broward County TMCflows into iconSouth Florida ICM FDOT District 4 Arterial Management Systemflows into iconSouth Florida ICM FDOT District 4 Field Equipmentflows into iconSouth Florida ICM FDOT District 4 FMSflows into iconSouth Florida ICM FDOT District 4 I-595 FMSflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Indian River County TMCflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Local TMA Transit Systemsflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Other FDOT District TMCsflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Palm Beach County TMCflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Palm Tran Transit Systemsflows into iconSouth Florida ICM Private/Public Parking Facility Operatorsflows into iconSouth Florida ICM St. Lucie Community Transit Systemsflows into iconSouth Florida ICM St. Lucie County Traffic Signal Systemflows into iconSouth Florida ICM

National ITS Architecture Subsystems
mapped to the South Florida ICM:

National ITS Architecture Services
associated with South Florida ICM:

Last Updated 2/6/2025